AssetWise Director Help

Using Report Designer to Create Searches and Reports

Quick searches, extended searches, and interactive searches (interactive reports) are actually just different types of report objects. You can create any of these types of searches using Report Designer.

Report Designer uses the eB Query Language (eQL) as the basis for constructing searches. eQL resembles SQL, the database query language, but is simpler to work with than SQL, and is tailored for eB objects and their relationships.

You can identify search input parameters and then define the layout for displaying the data when the search is run.

A report/search can be as simple as returning document information, or more complicated such as returning data from multiple related objects with inclusion of related object properties. For example, you can create a search that returns all documents related to physical items where the document is also related to projects having a status of authorized.

Note: To create quick searches, you must have the New Object Instances > Quick Search permission. To create extended searches, you must have the New Object Instances > Extended Search permission. To create interactive reports, you must have the New Object Instances > Interactive Report permission.
Note: For details about eQL, see the eB Query Language help (a separate document).